Science of parenting

You may wonder whether parenting can be really studied rigorously, whether it is necessary to study parenting and whether it is even desirable... After all, shouldn't it be a personal matter?
I disagree. Parenting has profound consequences on the development, well-being and even health of a child, and children are the pillars of tomorrow's world. In his book "Parenting for a peaceful world", Robin Grille clearly describes this connection, making a point of the importance of a conscious way of parenting to create a more harmonious world.
Although many practices can come instinctual to us, and one can be an excellent parent without having ever read a line about the science behind it, for those of us who have been conditioned by centuries of tradition that puts the parent in charge and at the centre, the recent research on child development and parenting practices can be a reminder of the importance of reconsidering what Nature intended and focus on the child's needs.
This is why I will write short articles in this section, with frequent links to longer articles, books or research papers.
For a lighter read, check out the Blog section, and for useful videos with instructions (babywearing, breastfeeding, elimination communication...) or inspiration (childbirth, brain development...) check the video section!
And don't forget to download the free e-book on the 8 essential needs of a baby!
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