Parenting videos

Parenting in general

Parenting styles, parenting tips, conscious parenting, attachment parenting and more...

Labour and birth (and bits on pregnancy)

We are conditioned to think of birth as a medical event, needing interference, intervention and management from the outside. Many women fear the moment they will go into labour and often choose not to have any more children after the trauma of their first birth. Yet, it can be so different! Birth is a natural event that all mammals go through, mostly without complications. Therefore, giving birth in a non-medical setting, without too much interference and without intervention is not only possible, but also desirable. In this section you can watch a number of videos depicting natural births, mostly at home, where the woman and her partner are truly empowered, as well as videos on human rights in birth and other evidence-based approaches... Enjoy!

Attachment, development and the brain

The science of brain development explained.

Education, creativity, labels, intelligence


Newborn care, babywearing, breastfeeding, elimination communication etc.

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